Sunday 3 March 2019

Boondocking part one

Boondocking is basically the act of camping without amenities. There are many different terms including; independently parking and dry camping. This can be illegal or legal, depending on where you actually park.

There are a number of sites that put up information about areas where you can boondock without the possibility of being towed. One of these locations was Walmart. By what we found is you are able to boondock in the car park unless the car park was also servicing other shopfronts.

One major advantage we had from other travellers was that we had a plumbing logo on the side of the van from the previous owners. This we described as our 'perfect disguise'. Plumbers are known for working around the clock and if we were to be towed a variety of shops would have to contacted to confirm that we were not working. Even when looking in the windscreen, as long as the curtains were drawn, there would be no sign of a living quarters. Allowing us to push some already blurry lines.

The first night we stayed in a Walmart Supercenter car park, just outside of Philadelphia. This particular night snow fall was predicted and subsequently fell. We slept cold but well, only really disturbed by the snowplow clearing for the following morning.

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