Tuesday 12 March 2019

The Trek West to New Orleans

We headed west, as our next major stop was to be New Orleans.

Not wanting to rush too much we stopped in at various places on the way. Two of which were college towns; Athens (Georgia) and Auburn (Alabama). Perfectly lining these up with the weekend and also terribly with spring break. We toured the Auburn University grounds with a friend from Australia. Which houses an NFL stadium that rivals our professional facilities in Australia, seating over 87,000.

After departing from Auburn we headed down the coast to New Orleans. New Orleans was a strange place, kind of a mixture between Europe and America. One local even described it is as "a little third world, but it has its charm". Much like other large cities in America, there were countless homeless people and rubbish in the streets. The most lively area of the city easily being the French quarter, which has countless bars and food options, remaining active all day and night.

Bourbon street, New Orleans

One major advantage with New Orleans that we often found difficult in other cities, was there was a significant amount of free parking a short walk from the city. We stayed in a hostel, to socialise but being able to park closely is always helpful. We chose the front of a construction site, to blend in with our plumber van. We were greeted one morning by a curious construction worker, who wondered if we were indeed plumbers. After hearing the story, he concluded that we had found a perfect spot to park.

After a couple of fun days, we headed north again.

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