Thursday 14 February 2019


In any factual write up it is important to set the scene.
Having both decided we deserved a quarter life crisis, we booked return tickets to Los Angeles from Brisbane Australia, 8 months prior to departing. We gave ourselves 87 days in the 'land of the free', given that any trip over 90 days required a visa. Now, three days is not a lot of leeway but given that deportation is the punishment for overstaying your welcome, we figured we would get home one way or another.

Before any holiday the advise we got was, "make sure you do your research, to get the optimum experience out of the time." Being the disorganised 25 year olds we are, we immediately neglected this information. The only verbal plans we made were that we intended on buying a van, building two separate sleeping areas and driving.

There were only two items that were imperative to land in the US; a passport and an ESTA. Both relatively easy to acquire without prior criminal conviction.

For those that have not been committed to read the body of this post, the synopsis is, we did you no research and made no plans.

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