Wednesday 20 February 2019

American Airlines

For any frequent flyers (such as ourselves) most are aware of the one world benefits. However the lounges provided for American Airline patrons are much nicer and extensively catered, than those of partner airlines. If you are lucky enough to venture in, make sure you do so on an empty stomach.
Upon boarding it is really good to see that military and service personnel are permitted to board after business class and before other passages. This is inline with the country's patriotic nature, showing how very respectful and appreciative they are as a society.

As most are aware in the event of any mechanical failure in high altitudes, body positioning and oxygen masks are going to do little to save you, nevertheless safe information is mandatory. On American Airlines the safety information is very detailed. In Australia this section might go for 30 seconds, whereas here it goes into extensive detail, even describing precisely how to remove the life jacket from the plastic packaging. It is clear to see, common sense has completely evaded the modern American society.

However one big positive, is the American pilots are still about to land the plane with the passenger windows covered. Which is a testimony to their skill.

Further education is still required for both Australians and Americans, when exiting in an orderly fashion. The perception still seems to be, whoever gets up first, exits first. Unfortunately for these overly keen individuals, this has never paid off. I can only presume their misguided logic assures them that persistence will prevail.

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